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Second fermentation of homemade kefir

You may have asked yourself: Why a second fermentation? Isn’t one fermentation enough? Here I will answer this and other questions in cooperation with Kefirko.

First, a little reminder!

Kefir is made by adding kefir grains to milk and left for 24 hours at room temperature to ferment. This process is called FIRST FERMENTATION. Click on the link if you would like a more detailed description.

After you have strained the kefir and separated the grains, pour the kefir into a glass jar and let it rest at room temperature anywhere from 6 to 24 hours. This process is called SECOND FERMENTATION.

For the second fermentation pick a glass jar with a lid.

I use a Kefirko jar. It is excellent and easy to use, especially because of the small opening on top of the lid for easy pouring. The lid hermetically seals the jar so you can carry it with you without having to worry about spilling kefir on something valuable and important in your bag or backpack.

Simply put, the second fermentation begins when filtered kefir is left at room temperature for a certain period.

What is a “certain period”?

The duration of the second fermentation is up to your taste preference.

Also, you can try tasting the kefir at any time during the process of the second fermentation to determine which flavour you like best.

The second fermentation period can last anywhere from 6 to 24 hours give or take.

The process of the second fermentation can also depend on the temperature of your home.

Why a second fermentation?

If you like your kefir less sour, a second fermentation is the way to go.

Besides getting a less sour taste, the second fermentation reduces the content of lactose even more while increasing nutrient and probiotic content.

What’s more, the second fermentation gives you the possibility of adding flavours to your kefir.

For more information on adding flavours and the benefits of a second fermentation, you can read my article on the Kefirkos blog.



