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Tortillas with pulled chicken and zucchini pesto

Summer months are not made for long standing by the stove, so Perutnina Ptuj and I created this delicious “far away from the stove” meal.
The chicken bakes itself, and the pesto only needs to be blended 🙂

In order for a meal to be well prepared, it is important to know how to handle poultry meat between the purchase and the preparation for meal.
When buying poultry, it is necessary to break the cooling chain as little as possible. Purchased poultry should be prepared as soon as possible or stored in the refrigerator. When buying poultry, use a cooler bag if possible. Since the temperature in household refrigerators is usually higher than the recommended temperature for storing poultry meat (i.e., a maximum of +4 ℃), fresh poultry can be kept for a short time, up to two days.

Ingredients and preparation steps

  • 3 chicken drumsticks with thigh Perutnina Ptuj Natur
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 twigs of rosemary
  • 1 zucchini
  • handful of almonds
  • handful of walnuts
  • handful of fresh basil leaves
  • two pinches of salt
  • 100 ml of water kefir
  • juice of one lime
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 5 gluten-free tortillas
  • 5 lettuce leaves

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

  1. Place the chicken in the large skillet, pour over with olive oil, add sliced lemon, twigs of rosemary and a little bit of stock, cover with aluminum foil. Bake in the oven for about an hour and a half, depending on the strength of your oven and the size of the chicken. Add the zucchini for the last 20 minutes or so.
  2. While the chicken and zucchini are baking, roast almonds and walnuts then let to cool.
  3. When the chicken is cooked, transfer it to a cutting board and use two forks to shred the chicken.
  4. To make the pesto, blend nuts in a blender and add chilled roasted zucchini, basil, water kefir, lime juice, a tablespoon of olive oil and salt. Blend everything into a homogeneous mixture then with the fork mix in the shredded chicken.
  5. Cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into smaller pieces.
  6. Fill gluten-free tortillas with a mixture of pesto and chicken and add sliced vegetables – tomatoes, cucumbers and corn.
  7. As a low carb option (without bread), instead of tortillas, fill salad leaves.

Regarding your taste, you can also add cranberry, tomato or blackberry jam.

Enjoy the flavors!


