Homemade chicken liver pâté

Today, we can find various types of pâté – made from animal meat, fish, vegetarian, complemented by different spices, herbs, mushrooms,…
However, making homemade pâté is a special experience because we choose ingredients ourselves, dose them and create a taste that we and our loved ones will enjoy.

The pâté origin is found in all northern and central European cuisines and as a dish it became an economical and tasty way of utilizing all parts of animal meat.

The name derives from the French language describing a dish in the form of a paste or a mixture of minced meat with the addition of fat and spices. Throughout history and cuisines, culinary creativity has evolved and pâté became more refined in texture and complex in taste.

There is nothing better than homemade prepared meal when we create something ourselves and then enjoy the fruits of our labor and our creative energy.
That is why I love to make homemade pâté.

This delicious chicken liver pâté was created in cooperation with Perutnina Ptuj.

Ingredients and preparation steps

  • 500 g of chicken liver Perutnina Ptuj Natur
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • handful of fresh parsley leaves
  • handful of fresh basil leaves
  • a rosemary twig
  • 85 g of butter for cooking
  • 100 g butter for pâté coating

Cut the chicken liver into smaller pieces.
Finely chop onion and garlic.
Add olive oil on a heated pan and saute the onion for about 5 minutes until turning soft.

Then add liver, garlic and butter.
Cook over a moderate heat, stirring until liver becomes firm and begin to release juices.

Season with salt and pepper and add rosemary twig.
Simmer everything and cook for about 10 minutes, remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Remove rosemary, transfer the rest to a blender and add parsley and basil.

Blend everything into a creamy mixture.
Transfer the cooled mixture to a jar and pour over melted butter so the pâté doesn’t oxidize and get dark in color.
Pâté can be stored in the refrigerator up to ten days.
Remove the pâté from the refrigerator at least an hour before serving.
Serve with homemade bread and for extra flavor, add some berry fruit jam.
This time I chose blackberry jam.


