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Coffee jelly with whipped cream

Dessert in glasses are one of my favorites, such as Easy peasy no bake cheesecake in a glass or Water kefir gelatin dessert. Although simple, they are pleasing to the eye and very tasty. In order to make this tasty bite, culinary skills aren’t so necessary.

Your only limit is your own imagination. And the secret ingredient is your creativity, alongside with love, of course!

Ingredients and preparation steps

  • 400 ml of brewed coffee (I made Turkish coffee, but you can use your favorite type of coffee)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 7 cloves
  • 2 star anise
  • 2 bags of grain gelatin
  • 1 package of whipped cream
  • crushed cocoa beans for decoration

If you are going to make Turkish coffee jelly, add spices to the water in addition to the coffee.
Strain the brewed coffee through a filter to remove the sediment and to obtain a clear and fragrant liquid.
Make the jelly according to the instructions on the bag – grain gelatin need to be mixed with a little water to swell.
Then heat the strained coffee over low heat, add the gelatin and stir until the gelatin melts. The coffee mustn’t boil.
Turn off the heat and let it cool a little, pour into glasses and let it cool at room temperature, then put it in the fridge for a couple of hours or preferably overnight.
The next day, make whipped cream, add to the jelly and sprinkle with some cocoa beans.
Enjoy this dessert with a cup of hot coffee!


