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Aromatica’s spices

In addition to balms, baths, essential oils, creams and other beauty treatments for body and face, Aromatica has spices that I enjoy to use when preparing meals with homemade kefir.

Adriatic spices

Mixture of carefully selected herbs from Adriatic coast will supplement your pleasure in all dishes with meat and fish – marjoram, rosemary, thyme, juniper.

The marjoram has a refreshing, sweet and slightly aromatic scent and aroma. The Greeks and Romans interwoven the flowers of marjoram into the wreaths of the newlyweds and bathed in aromatic water to bring them peace.

Rosemary has an intense, slightly oily scent and aroma. Leaflets and soft twigs are used for cooking. Hard twigs can be used as scented sticks for vegetable barbecue.

Thyme is a medicinal wild plant that has been used since ancient times and for various health problems. As a spice it gives the dishes a special taste and aroma.

Juniper is an evergreen plant. It is garnished with tiny, needle-like leaves and attractive blue fruits that, when ripe, turn purple. Juniper (berries) are used in the form of juices, teas, tinctures, and berries can be consumed while fresh. Juniper needles, fresh or dried, are added to various teas.

Veronica’s secret

A sweet spicy mixture of a Cumin, Fennel and Anise spices will give the unforgettable taste of bread and baking.

Cumin has a strong scent of essential oils that it contains. It’s mainly used as a bread spice, mostly for rye breads, but also for other pastries. It can be added as a spice to vegetables, legumes, grains, salads, but also to sweet dishes.

Fennel is mostly used for its pleasant sweet taste. It can be used alone or more often in a spice mix. Fennel seeds are used as a spice in various sweet and savory dishes, and are often used to flavor liqueurs, herbs and aperitifs.

Anise is known for its aroma and medicinal properties. It was often used by the Romans to spice cakes to avoid bowel obstruction and digestion issues. This gave him the name Solamen intestinorum – “gut comforter”.

Happy Lucia’s spice

Enjoy the refreshing combination of Mediterranean Oregano and Basil plants.

Oregano has an unique and intense taste and aroma.

Basil has refreshingly fragrant, spicy leaves that go great with savory dishes, especially with vegetables (tomatoes). The most fragrant are the fresh leaves and young tips of the plant.


Clove is a widespread and well-known spice. It is used in the preparation of pastries and cakes as well as in preparation of various beverages such as boiled wine, compote or tea.

They have warm, pungent and aromatic smell and sweet-hearty and very strong taste which is why today clove is one of the most famous spices in the world and is truly widely used. It was brought to our area long ago by sailors from their voyages.


Cinnamon has been used since ancient times as an herbal plant and in medicine. It helps with tension and it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is very important that we differentiate Ceylon cinnamon from Chinese one, since only the Ceylon cinnamon has exceptional healing properties. This cinnamon is obtained from the trees Cinnamomum verum (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum) and comes from Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon).


Aromatica spices

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